Bead Head GRHE Flashback Nymph

Bead Head GRHE Flashback Nymph

Imitates:  This is a generic mayfly nymph or stonefly nymph imitation.

Thread:  #70-140 or 8/0 to 6/0 black

Hook:  Nymph Hook # 16 – 12

Bead:  2 – 3 mm Brass bead

Weight:  0.15 mm Lead wire

Tail:  4 – 6 Natural pheasant tail fibres

Ribbing:   Thin to medium copper wire

Body and thorax:  Hare’s ear dubbing or grey squirrel dubbing

Wingcase:  Pearl flashabou

 Fishing method:  Fish on a dead drift in rivers or still waters.  It can also be stripped slowly.