Create Beat - Step 1Hover over or click on "Fly Fishing Maps" and then click on "Beats". From there, you'll see a list of all beats created to date. You’ll need to come back to this page to copy the shortcode of the new beat you create. To get started, click on "add new" at the top.
Create Beat - Step 2Enter the title of your new beat and change the map mode to "Hybrid". Click on "publish" on the far right.
Create Beat - Step 3Hover or click on "Posts" and click on add new. Enter the same name of the beat you just created in the post "title" at the top. Add the shortcode of the beat you saved to the body of this post (click or hover on “Fly Fishing Maps” and then click on “Beats” to find this shortcode). Select the appropriate category for this beat and make sure to follow the full category path. The path must always be "Guiding Series" --> "Freshwater or Saltwater" and then the name of your new beat. Add a featured image to the beat on the right hand side and then click on "Update".
Create Beat Step 4Now that your beat has been created, it's time to create individual spots for the beat. Click or hover on "Fly Fishing Maps" and click on "Fishing Spots". You'll get another overview of all spots created to date. Click on "add new" at the top. This page has tooltips to guide you along the way and is quite self explanatory. Make sure, however, to select the appropriate beat where this spot must be placed. Seeing we're working with co-ordinates, it's best to go to Google maps to find the exact co-ordinate for the spot. You can then copy and paste these co-ordinates into the spot location section near to the bottom. Alternatively, find the spots location on the map within the website by dragging the marker to where it needs to be. Make sure to click on "Publish" on the right hand side.
Create Beat Step 5As your final step, simply go back to “Fly Fishing Spots” --> “Beats” and click on the beat you created. Change the starting location for this beat to ensure it places the map on the correct spot and to also ensure the zoom of the map keeps all spots visible.
Training – How to Add a Beatadministrator2022-10-21T07:39:57+00:00